Embedded in the heart and core of our mission is the desire to uplift through project driven, education focused initiatives. We honor our role and opportunity to discover how we can best serve collectively, make a difference in ways that are of value and effect positive change with kindness and compassion. Much like our logo The Kyle Group branches into different educational projects. The Kyle Group was Founded by Barbara Earley Kyle in 2011, for the purpose of partnering with the WV Women's Commission, which she was called upon to serve as Chair. Her focus was to identify and shine a light on issues pertaining to women and their children. These issues fertilized the roots of The Kyle Group. Having the opportunity and privilege to visit communities throughout the state, and see firsthand the challenges they faced, provided the catalyst to form a partnership with her husband Dr. Jim Kyle who serves as Executive Director of The Kyle Group. Together they identified opportunities that reflected individual as well as shared passions that became the foundation The Kyle Group was founded on and continues to support today.

From the President

“Things happened fast when we moved back to our home state, West Virginia, in the fall of 2009… We had spent the last decade in Florida close to the family we had there. And it was our family that provided the catalyst for our return home. Opportunities presented themselves, challenges too. Jim was asked to serve one way, a leadership post as Medical Director for Region One EMS in Southern WV. This position provided many seeds of opportunity to make a difference through education-based projects in small town USA. These towns were being ravaged by the opioid crisis, which impacted both family dynamics and our EMS systems… I was called to serve in a different way, as chairwoman for the West Virginia's Women's Commission. I had the great privilege to travel around the state meeting with women from all walks of life, listening to their stories. Again, the opportunity to identify and seed projects with great organization to help make life a more hopeful one for women and their children throughout the state.

The Kyle Group was founded based upon the intersection of these two service-based leadership positions and a lot of our shared interests and passions along the way. The Kyle Group is project-driven and education focused. Commitment to long-lasting change requires dedication, perseverance, and a steadfast determination to see it through to fruition. My paternal grandmother Flora Earley taught me a great life lesson when I was pretty young and couldn't figure out how to take on large tasks….I have taken it to heart. She would ask me: “How do you eat an elephant?” When I couldn't find an answer, she would tell me…“One bite at a time!” I carry this with me through all facets of my personal life and my work.”

Barbara Kyle

From the Executive Director

“Southern West Virginia is our home. We believe we were called here to serve in some unique way. Our initiative is simple: We recognize the challenges that our southern West Virginia communities face. It is our purpose to discover how we can best serve collectively, make a difference in ways that are of value, and effect positive change. We work to ensure that EMS is given every educational opportunity available in order to best meet the challenges they are faced with daily. We focus on lifelong learning that reflects our belief that in emergency medicine the questions remain the same, but the answers keep on changing..

This same philosophy also applies to our work in sports medicine. Exercise is medicine! Sports play for scholastic athletes is a catalyst for lifelong exercise habits. In addition, team sports participation provides an opportunity for valuable life lessons such as discipline, physical and mental toughness and the value of teamwork. We want to promote these values of health and wellness to support and encourage a path for a successful, productive life, and having fun while doing it! 

The Kyle Group initiative to promote safe sports play in small town USA with inherent limited resources remains a priority. Protocols for early recognition and initial treatment of common sports injuries; concussion, heat stress, exercise induced asthma, sickle cell trait, athlete collapse.. have been developed in partnership with national leaders in sports medicine care. To name a few…

ANDREWS INSTITUTE, EMORY UNIVERSITY, GATA, KSI, NFL, TAPPS, UGA. Our model is one of partnership…. In collaboration with local and nationwide high schools we continue our ongoing mission to  provide the most comprehensive and up to date information as it comes to light.”

Dr. Jim Kyle